Under conditions of high humidity, the evaporation of sweat from the skin is decreased and the body's efforts to maintain an acceptable body temperature may be significantly impaired. Also, if the atmosphere is as warm as or warmer than the skin during times of high humidity, blood brought to the body surface cannot shed heat by conduction to the air, and a condition called hyperpyrexia results. With so much blood going to the external surface of the body, relatively less goes to the active muscles, the brain, and other internal organs. Physical strength declines and fatigue occurs sooner than it would otherwise. Alertness and mental capacity also may be affected. This resulting condition is called heat stroke or hyperthermia.
Tem estado entre 34 e 38 graus de temperatura em Tel Aviv. Isto não seria nada de especial (afinal sou portuguesa) se não estivesse uma humidade relativa de 80%, o que aumenta a sensação de calor em mais 4 ou 5 graus.
Deixei de ir à praia.
Deixei de ir para o trabalho a pé.
Deixei de sair à rua durante o dia, qual Drácula.
Deixei de usar calças ou calçado fechado.
Deixei de ter qualquer actividade física e/ou cerebral.